Punchey is excited to further connect your phone system with our software. Our call logging widget is like callerID on steriods. If you have an inbound call to your business, your Punchey app will light up with a link to bring you directly to the customers’ new or existing profile. Never before has it been this easy to navigate your CRM software when customers call in to set appointments. This will increase efficiency by making it astronomically easier to notate, schedule, and check out customers.
As seen in the video below, your Punchey app light up and you will receive a pop-up in the bottom left of your screen.
New customer: If the number calling is not saved, clicking this window will bring you to create a new contact. You can fill in the information and follow through with scheduling from there
Existing customer: If the number is saved, it will show the name and number, as well as past history of business with your company. When clicked on, the pop up will bring you to the contact’s profile where you will see an overview of the customer and can follow through with scheduling.