How To Edit Permissions/Limit Access Of A User Click on the “Settings” tab and go to “Users” On the “Users” page, select the staff member whose permissions you...
How To Send An Online Invoice Click on the “Payments” tab and go to “Invoices” Click on the little invoice icon with the gear on the...
How To Convert An Appointment To A Bill Click on the “Appointments” tab Click the little invoice icon with the gear and select “Confirmed” from the drop down...
How To Checkout & Close Appointments Click on the “Appointments” tab, and select the date of the appointment on the top of the page. Hover over...
How To Modify An Appointment Time Learn how to modify existing appointments to adjust and streamline your business! First, click on the “Appointments” tab to locate...
How To Add a New Register There are numerous reasons why you may want to add another register. If your company separates registers by employee and...
How To Add A Service To Your Menu With DetailPro, you can create a service menu which will be used for booking appointments within your calendars and checking...
How To Add Another Calendar Or Schedule If you have multiple employees, or other resources that follow their own schedule you may want to create separate calendars...
How to Add Online Booking to your Website Drive appointments and sales from your marketing websites by configuring our online booking portal. Use this link on your websites...
How To Close A Register Opening and closing registers after every shift is a common and effective practice to prevent mishandling of money, and safeguard assets...